Awarded by then Chief Minister Capt Amarinder Singh on Republic Day 2019 for excellent Services in Ayurveda

Presenting Paper on "Ayurvedic Perspective of PCOS"

Delivering a talk on "Innovations in Ayurveda" on Dhanwantry Day at District Ayurvedic Office, Patiala.

Certificate - Ayurvedic Clinical Intervention in Male & Female Infertility Management - Samruddhi 2021

Invited as Guest of Honour at Govt College for Girls,Patiala on World Food Day.

Today I was invited at GuruHargobind Khalsa Girls College,Karhali Sahib for a talk on PCOD/PCOS.
Anaemia and Nutrition. It was great Interacting with Staff and young girls.

Delivered a lecture on PCOS and Successful Case Studies at Sh Dhanwantry Ayurvedic College,Chandigarh on Occasion of Ayurved Parv.